Where to Buy

Selecting a reseller is potentially the most important step. Consider these factors when choosing a vendor:

  • Should I buy online or in a local store?
  • What are their service and support hours and contact options?
  • Do they have experienced technical support staff available?
  • What is their customer service record and reputation?
  • If this is for a fixed, marine or aviation installation can they provide installation services?
  • How do they process returns and warranty claims?

If this is your first time buying a satellite phone, the support and service during your selection and after your initial purchase can make the experience good or turn it into a huge waste of money. Take your time and find a knowledgable reseller with a good record versus focusing on the best price. Try to avoid experiences like this man had in this review.

Obviously there are many options on Amazon. Additionally, the links below will take you to the "Find a Provider/Partner" search page for each satellite phone network operator.